Versele Laga Classic Breeding & Racing 20kg

Code: PRVL1673

Versele Laga Classic Breeding & Racing is a beautiful mixture that has a high content of yellow French cribs maize. The food is even better when mixed with Success Corn or Energy Corn, depending on your season.

Nutritional Info

Crude protein 12%, Crude fat 4%, Crude fibre 3.5%, Crude ash 2% & Carbohydrates 65%.


Premium French cribs maize 36%, Toasted soya beans 1%, Maple peas 2%, Dun peas 6%, Yellow peas 6%, Large green peas 6%, Vetches 1%, White pigeon wheat 18%, European white dari 2%, Milo 8%, Cardy 4%, Peeled barley 2%, Broken rice 2%, Peeled oats 1%, Hempseed 2%, Yellow millet 1%, Brown linseed 1% & Black coleseed 1%.

VAT Type Zero Rated Barcode 5410340115480
Pallet Discount 0.15 Pallet Quantity 30
VAT Rate 0%