Thunderbrook Equestrian Base Mix 15kg

Code: PRTHB001



RSP: £47.95

Thunderbrook Equestrian Base Mix concentrated balanced base feed. Ideal for all horses of all disciplines. Contains the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids, natural vitamins, minerals, over 100 anti-oxidants, metabolic cofactors and other micro-nutrients in a form both bioavailable and clean.


Stabilised and ground whole linseed, naturally stabilised rice bran, natural fractionated yeast extract, proprietary blend of herbs (fruits, herbs and botanicals), limestone flour, magnesium carbonate, Bioplex minerals, Lysine, Yea-Sacc, Bio-Mos, Natural vitamin E, chelated magnesium, chelated calcium, chelated zinc, chelated copper, chelated selenium, organic extra virgin sesame seed oil, natural vitamin A and D3.                                 

Nutritional Analaysis

Oil (24%), Protein (22%), Starch (10%), Sugar (2.8%), Fibre (5.75%), Ash (14%)  DE=15.5MJ/kg

Barcode 5060455931064 VAT Type Zero Rated
VAT Rate 0% Pallet Quantity 55
Pallet Discount 0.2